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Vinyl Siding Insights

Why is My Vinyl Siding Melting

Is your vinyl siding starting to warp or melt? You’re not alone. Many homeowners in the Pacific Northwest face this problem, especially during the hot summer months.

Melting vinyl siding is a serious issue that can damage the look of your home and lead to more significant problems if not addressed. Understanding what causes vinyl siding to melt is the first step in protecting your home. Let’s explore the common reasons behind this issue and how you can prevent it.

What is Vinyl Siding?

Vinyl siding was once the most popular choice for home exteriors in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. The appeal lies in its combination of durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic versatility. Homeowners appreciate vinyl siding for its low cost and availability in a wide range of colors and styles to match any home design.

Vinyl siding is made from a type of plastic called polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. This material is durable, low-maintenance, and comes in a variety of colors and styles.

Vinyl siding is designed to protect your home from the elements while providing a clean, attractive appearance. It’s fairly resistant to moisture and insects, making it an affordable option for many homeowners. However, despite its durability, vinyl siding can be vulnerable to the extreme weather of the Pacific Northwest, including the high heat of the summer, which can cause it to warp or melt.

What Causes Vinyl Siding to Melt?


Heatwaves are becoming more common in the Pacific Northwest. When temperatures soar, vinyl siding can soften and start to melt. This happens because vinyl isn’t designed to withstand extreme heat for long periods. During a heatwave, the intense sun and high temperatures can cause the siding to deform.

Window Reflections

High-efficiency windows are great for keeping your home cool, but they can sometimes create problems for your siding. These windows can reflect sunlight with enough intensity to cause nearby vinyl siding to melt. The concentrated reflection acts like a magnifying glass, focusing the sun’s rays on a small area and generating intense heat.

Even your neighbors’ windows can pose a risk. If they have sound-deadening or mylar coverings, these too can reflect sunlight in a way that heats your vinyl siding. The reflection from these specialized windows can be strong enough to cause damage, even if your own windows are not a problem.

Barbecuing Too Close to the House

Outdoor grilling is a popular activity, but placing your barbecue too close to the house can spell trouble for your vinyl siding. The heat from the grill can easily warp or melt the siding if it’s too close. Always ensure there’s a safe distance between your grill and your home to prevent this issue.

Other Potential Causes

While heatwaves, window reflections, and barbecues are common culprits, other factors can also cause vinyl siding to melt:

  • Fire pits and outdoor heaters: These can produce high levels of heat that affect nearby siding.
  • Nearby construction or industrial activities: Excessive heat from these sources can impact your home’s exterior.
  • Poor installation or low-quality materials: Substandard vinyl or improper installation can make siding more susceptible to heat damage.

Understanding these causes can help you take preventive measures to protect your home’s exterior from melting.

How to Prevent Melting Vinyl Siding

Install Heat-Resistant Barriers

One effective way to protect your vinyl siding is by installing heat-resistant barriers. These can include screens, shutters, or shades that help block and disperse the intense heat from the sun or other sources.

Use Awnings or Shades

Adding awnings or shades over windows and doors can reduce the amount of direct sunlight hitting your siding. This can help prevent the high temperatures that lead to melting. Consider retractable options for flexibility throughout the year.

Maintain a Safe Distance From Heat Sources

Always ensure that grills, fire pits, and outdoor heaters are placed a safe distance from your home’s siding. Create designated areas for these activities that are far enough away to prevent heat damage.

Plant Trees or Shrubs

Planting trees or shrubs around your home can provide natural shade and help keep temperatures lower. This not only protects your siding but also improves the overall energy efficiency of your home.

By taking these preventive measures, you can protect your vinyl siding from the damaging effects of high heat and ensure your home remains in excellent condition.

What To Do If Your Vinyl Siding is Melting

Immediate Steps to Take

If you notice your vinyl siding starting to melt, act quickly to minimize damage. First, identify and eliminate the heat source causing the issue. This could mean moving a barbecue, adding a screen to a reflective window, or temporarily shading the area.

Assess the Damage

Carefully inspect the affected area to determine the extent of the damage. Look for signs of warping, bubbling, or discoloration. Document the damage with photos, which will be helpful for filing and insurance claim. Additionally, photos will help a vinyl siding repair contractor see the extent of the damage.

Call a Professional Siding Repair Contractor

Siding repairs like melting vinyl siding always need professional repair. Contact a siding expert to assess the damage and recommend the best course of action. Vinyl siding repair contractors will know the best course of action to ensure your home isn’t further damaged.

Temporary Fixes

While waiting for a professional, you can take some temporary measures to protect your home. Use a heat-resistant tarp to cover the damaged area and prevent further heat exposure. Be cautious with temporary fixes, as they are not permanent solutions.

Consider Upgrading Your Siding

If melting is a recurring issue, it might be time to consider upgrading your siding. Newer, high-quality siding options, like James Hardie Fiber Cement Siding, are more heat-resistant and durable. Consult with a siding expert to explore the best materials and solutions for your home.

Taking these steps can help you address melting vinyl siding quickly and effectively, minimizing damage and maintaining your home’s appearance.

Best Vinyl Siding Repair Contractor

Melting vinyl siding can be a frustrating and unsightly problem for homeowners, especially in the Pacific Northwest. Understanding the causes, from heatwaves and reflective windows to barbecues and more, is crucial in preventing and addressing this issue. By taking preventive measures like installing heat-resistant barriers, using high-quality materials, and maintaining safe distances for heat sources, you can protect your home’s exterior.

If you do find your siding melting, act quickly to assess the damage and seek professional help to ensure proper repairs. With the right approach, you can keep your vinyl siding looking great and your home well-protected.

At SFW Construction, we are experts in siding repairs and replacements. If you’re dealing with melting vinyl siding or any other siding issues, our team is here to help. We offer high-quality solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring your home remains beautiful and durable. Reach out today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can assist you with your siding concerns.